St. Patrick's Day reroutes
RTA adjusts routes for St. Patrick's Day road closures
RTA adjusts routes for St. Patrick's Day road closures
The bus stops for Route 22 Southbound on Miller Lane between Benchwood and Stop 8 Road will be closed due to a detour.
(DAYTON, OHIO)… To celebrate Black History Month, the Greater Dayton RTA is shining a spotlight on local Black business owners by sharing what inspired them to start their journeys and what advice they have for aspiring entrepreneurs.
The month-long celebration kicks off Feb. 1 with the rollout of RTA’s February calendar bus featuring Black History Month. As with all the agency’s calendar buses, this year’s February bus features days of interest such Groundhog Day, Presidents Day, Valentine’s Day and the Super Bowl.
As part of the campaign, several businesses were recommended by a committee of RTA employees and the Urban League of Southwestern Ohio. The selected businesses are located within Montgomery County near an RTA route.
Each participating business owner answered a questionnaire asking them basic facts about their business. The questionnaire also asked them what their inspiration was for starting their business and what advice they have for any aspiring entrepreneurs. The answers to these questions will be displayed on RTA’s website and shared on social media, along with pictures of the business and a video with the owners.
“Being an entrepreneur certainly allows us to have the freedom to be creative and opportunity for financial growth and personal growth,” said Paula Willis, co-owner of Now and Zen DIY Studio in Dayton. “We're a family business, co-owned by mother and daughter and that makes our business journey feel safe and special. Our plan is for this business to become a family legacy and be in the Dayton area, and maybe beyond for years to come."
Interior cards highlighting the owners and their businesses will be placed inside RTA’s fixed-route bus fleet for customers to read. Each card will have a QR code riders can scan which will take them to RTA’s Black History Month website.
Also, a seat will be reserved on every fixed-route bus using a special Rosa Parks placard to acknowledge her role in making every seat available to everyone.
To view the highlighted businesses, visit
MEDIA CONTACT: Kristi Newton (937) 425-8379, Communications and Community Relations Manager