Route 22 Detour Miller/Benchwood
The bus stops for Route 22 Southbound on Miller Lane between Benchwood and Stop 8 Road will be closed due to a detour.
The bus stops for Route 22 Southbound on Miller Lane between Benchwood and Stop 8 Road will be closed due to a detour.
Use the automated call-in feature from your phone phone or landline by call 937-425-8300 option 1. For more information click here.
You can download more information about RideTime here. You can also view the RideTime video by clicking here.
Know where you want to go and when! Check out Maps and Schedules.
Arrive early. RTA defines on-time service as never early, and no more than 5 min. after the scheduled time. Please take this into consideration when making transfers.
To ensure you are boarding the correct bus check the route number destination sign on the approaching bus.
Pay when you board
After you pay, find a seat or move toward the rear. Remember, the seats in the front of the bus are for people with disabilities and older adults.
Pull the cord above the window to let the driver know you want to get off at the next stop.
Exit through the back door; this helps keep buses on time.
MyAlerts - Stay connected with the latest RTA travel information by signing up to receive automated alerts via text or email. Sign up for alerts.
We love your bike - All of our large buses are bike rack equipped for your convenience. For more info about our Rack & Roll program, click here.
Ask for help - Ask your bus operator or one of our Transit Ambassadors for assistance.