Doing Business

The Procurement Department is dedicated to providing quality goods and services to support the mission of Greater Dayton RTA. Any organization can do business with us by submitting offers on any open solicitation.

Before bidding on procurements being sourced by RTA, all vendors must register with OpenGov. It is free to register! 

Below are RTA’s open solicitations and the corresponding closing dates for each. To view closed solicitations, select “Closed” rather than “Active” in the search header. 


Disadvantages Business Enterprise (DBE) Program

Greater Dayton RTA is committed to doing business with Disadvantages Business Enterprises (DBEs) and encourages the participation of DBEs in all solicitations and contracts. It is RTA’s policy that we will ensure, to the best of our ability, that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises can compete for contracts on a level playing field. 

Greater Dayton RTA ensures that all contractors providing goods, services, or performing construction take positive steps toward utilizing disadvantaged business enterprises to the maximum extent possible.

DBE firms must be certified by the Ohio Department of Transportation Unified Certification Program (UCP) or the Ohio Department of Administrative Services at the time of bid submission. RTA reserves the right to accept or reject a firm’s certification from other agencies on a case-by-case basis.

For the official DBE Directory from the Ohio Department of Transportation, click here:


Affirmative Action Assurance Program

The Affirmative Action Assurance Program certification is a management tool designed to ensure equal employment opportunities. It should include efforts required to remedy all effects of discriminatory patterns and practices impacting women and minorities.

Only awarded vendors with 50 or more employees and a contract exceeding $100,000 are required to apply for AAAP certification. Instructions on how to apply will be listed in applicable solicitations.

Contract Terms and Conditions

To ensure compliance with regulatory bodies such as the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), the following contract terms and conditions documents apply to all purchase orders and contracts between the Greater Dayton RTA and contractors.

The federally-required contract clauses document linked below apply to all contracts where federal funding is utilized. Please use the Matrix on 2-3 of the documents to determine if a clause applies to your purchase. Most solicitations already include the applicable clauses, but these documents are included here for additional notice.

The terms and conditions in this section are not all-inclusive and depending on the solicitation, there are likely special conditions or additional requirements. If there are any questions regarding whether or not these terms and conditions apply to a specific solicitation or purchase, contact a member of the Procurement Department.

Protest Procedures

In compliance with regulatory bodies, Greater Dayton RTA will hear and consider a sustainable protest regarding its procurement actions in accordance with the below procedures. Due to the significantly limited role of FTA in protests, it is anticipated that the majority of all protests will be evaluated, and the final decision rendered by RTA. RTA intends to provide a thorough review of all sustainable protests. The RTA's primary concern is the timely procurement of needed capital equipment, supplies, or services. Therefore, it does not intend to allow the filing of bid or proposal protests to unnecessarily delay the procurement process.


  1. Protest: A protest is a written objection by a potentially interested party to a solicitation or award of a contract over the small purchase threshold to receive a remedial result. An interested party must be an actual or prospective bidder or proposer whose direct economic interest would be affected by the award or failure to award the applicable contract in accordance with FTA Circular 4220.1.
  2. Pre-Submission: A written objection is made during the solicitation phase and is received before the bid opening or proposal due date.
  3. Pre-Award: A written objection is made before an award and is received after the bid opening or proposal due date, but before award of the contract.
  4. Post-Award: A written objection made by an unsuccessful offeror and received after the Board approves award of the contract.


  1. Before Protest
    The contractor should contact or make an appointment with the solicitation’s procurement representative to resolve any issues.
  2. Filing a Protest
    Protests may be filed during the following:
    1. Solicitation phase must be submitted no later than five (5) business days before the closing of said solicitation. If the protester fails to meet this deadline, protests based on those solicitation issues may not be allowed.
    2. Pre-award must be received no later than five (5) business days after the bid opening or proposal due date.
    3. Post-award must be received at least five (5) business days after the Board approves contract award.
  3. Protest Submittals
    The Protester's Submittal Procedures and RTA's Protest process can be accessed at under Resources/Protests. Protest shall include, at a minimum:
    1. The name and address of the protesting party and its relationship to the procurement are sufficient to establish that an interested party is filing the protest.
    2. Identity of the contact person for the protester, including name, title, address, telephone, fax, and e-mail addresses. If the contact point is a third party representing the protester, the same information must be provided, plus a statement defining the relationship between the protester and the third party.
    3. The name and number of the solicitation or contract.
    4. A description of the nature of the protest, referencing the portion(s) of the solicitation involved.
    5. Identification of the provision(s) of any law, regulation, or other governance upon which the protest is based.
    6. A complete discussion of the basis for the protest, including all supporting facts, documents, or data.
    7. A statement of the specific relief requested.
    8. State if an informal conference is wanted to discuss the protest with RTA.
    9. Submit the protest in writing by certified mail or another delivery method by which receipt can be verified and address it to:
      Director of Procurement
      Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority
      4 S. Main Street
      Dayton, OH 45402
  4. Protest Determination
    1. Director of Procurement or designee will review the protest submittal to determine if sustainable.
    2. If not sustainable, the protester will be notified in writing within ten (10) business days of receipt of the protest.
    3. If sustainable and an informal conference is requested, the protester will be notified in writing of the location and time within three (3) business days of such notice.
    4. A decision will be made in writing and sent to the protester within ten (10) business days after receiving the protest. Such a decision is final.
  5. Request for Reconsideration
    1. The protester shall deliver the request to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) with a copy to the Director of Procurement within five (5) business days of receipt of the initial decision. The request shall state the reason(s) why the decision should be reconsidered and any information to support such a position.
    2. The CEO shall review and decide on the request for reconsideration and issue a written decision to the protester within ten (10) business days of receipt of the request. Such a decision is final. 


Procurement Contacts

Deborah Howard – Director of Procurement
4 S Main Street, Dayton, OH 45402
Phone: 937-425-8310
Email: @email


Noah Greer – Senior Purchasing Agent
4 S Main Street, Dayton, OH 45402
Phone: 937-425-8311
Email: @email


Michelle Collier – Senior Purchasing Agent
4 S Main Street, Dayton, OH 45402
Phone: 937-425-8312
Email: @email


Angelique Carey – Purchasing Specialist
4 S Main Street, Dayton, OH 45402
Phone: 937-425-8313
Email: @email