St. Patrick's Day reroutes
RTA adjusts routes for St. Patrick's Day road closures
RTA adjusts routes for St. Patrick's Day road closures
The bus stops for Route 22 Southbound on Miller Lane between Benchwood and Stop 8 Road will be closed due to a detour.
We understand that our services may not meet the needs of everyone and that the cost of transportation can be a barrier. However, we are here to help and have listed below, several resource sites and organizations within our community who can assist with transportation and/or the payment of your transportation services.
This site offers several resources who can provide transportation and/or assist with payment of transportation.
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Medicaid eligible individuals may qualify for Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) through Montgomery County Department of Job and Family Services.
Phone: 937-225-5419
More Information Visit:,(937)%20225%2D5419.
Area Agency on Aging
Aging adults with low income may be eligible for transportation through the Montgomery County Area Agency on Aging.
Phone: 937-223-4357
Email: @email
More Information Visit:
Montgomery County Veterans Services
Veterans residing in the Montgomery County may apply for medical transportation through the Montgomery County Veterans Service Commission.
Phone: 937-225-4801
Email: @email
More Information Visit:
Montgomery County Department of Developmental Disability Services
Individuals with Developmental Disabilities may be eligible for transportation services through Montgomery County Department of Developmental Disability Services.
Phone: 937-457-2823
Wesley Community Center
Wesley Community Center provides medical transportation for aging adults ages 55 and older.
Phone: 937-263-3556, Ext: 212
More Information:
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities provides individuals with disabilities vocational services including transportation.
Phone: (800) 282-4536
More Information:
United Way of Greater Dayton
United Way of Greater Dayton, Prosperi-Key offers fare assistance as well as other savings for area businesses, non-profits and government. Make them yours by signing up to be a member.
More Information: